Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Malaysian souvenir shopping

Malaysia, the multicultural,beautiful island in Asia is inhabited by ethnic groups- malays, chinese, indians and other indigenous group. Official language of malaysia is malay language and currency unit is Ringgat Malaysia (USD 1= RM 3.60). Being a land of multiculture malaysia offers travellers a wide variety of souvenirs.Malaysian souvenir shopping is real fun.


Dodol is a toffy made of coconut,milk,jaggery and rice flour, served during festivals,weddings and other celebrations. It is available in almost all food stores

Sompoton, Gongs(traditional musical instruments)

Sompoton made of gourd and bamboo pipes & Gongs made of iron sheets are two traditional instruments used during harvest festivats, weddings and birthdays

KLCC Pewter Miniatures

Kaula Lumpur city centre complex miniature form, is a souvenir every one brings home from malaysia. One can get cheap ones from the flea markets in malaysia.

Wayang Souvenirs

Wayang is a shadow puppet theatre performed in Malaysia. Puppets made of leather are expensive but less expensive puppets made of card board are available. Wayang art is commercially being used on t-shirts, cups and even bookmarks. Anything with Wayang art on it will make a wonderful souvenir for sure


Pewter is a metal made of 85 to 99% tin and rest being copper and antimony. Pewter artifacts, form decorative items for your interiors. Pewter mugs,flower vases,statues,coins and pendents are good souvenirs for art loving people.

Menkuang leaf products

Baskets,bags,boxes,hats,wallets,food covers,and fans made of menkuang leaf are ideal souvenirs for friends who love nature

Baju melayu/Baju kurung( national costume)

Baju melayu is the national dress of malaysia which consists of a loose shirt and long trousers. Over the trousers they wrap a sarung around the waist. An ornate headgear called sangok is also used. Women wear baju kurung which consists of sarung and blouse. Sarung with batik design is very fashionable.

Batik souvenirs

Batik ( wax printing) products can be a good souvenir as no two pieces of batik are exactly alike. Batik is used to design sarungs,shirts,duvets,bed sheets,table clothes and wood cravings of reasonable price. Batik products form a major chunk of Malaysian souvenir shopping.

Tikar sarawak(bamboo carpet)

Tikar sarawak is carpet made of bamboo,which can be used for performing yoga. It can be used for picnics and sunbath

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