Thursday, January 22, 2009


What travellers bring home, something small, something sweet, which keeps the memories of the travel he enjoyed alive...

Souvenir can be a famous landmark, a swiss army knife, a chinese fan, a british car model or even posters of european theme. We can buy souvenirs for ourself to keep the memory of the trip evergreen or for friends and relatives as a gift after the wonderful holiday. Whether it is asia or europe it is easy to find souvenir shops, which sell attractive souvenirs. The difficult part is what to buy. So whenever you shop for souvenirs keep in mind the list of people you plan to give souvenirs and their taste. Always go for something small, within your budget,because no one want to return home carrying a huge luggage of souvenirs.

Tips on souvenir shopping

* Always buy souvenirs from places other than tourist centres,where it wil be cheaper.
* Please dont buy souvenirs made from wildlife
* Avoid buyin generic items
* Beach souvenirs with bottled sand and sea shells make simple but unique souvenirs

One of my friends whenever she returns from a trip brings me something cute and small which I treasure due to its cuteness and the way it reminds me of the country he visited.( I love the small jewel box with a mirror inside from malaysia...). Also keep in mind it is not the cost or the size that matters, what matters is that we remember our loved ones even during our trips. In this blog I have gathered information on souvenirs which will be helpful for travellers all over the world, whether it is to decorate our room,to gift after a travel, or to gift for wedding or other occasions

" Gift comes in different sizes, but with souvenirs it is just one size, the size of our love for our loved ones"

Souvenirs Egypt

Souvenirs Turkey